- “Currently, we have a store in an EC mall, but we want to move to our own eCommerce website to save on fees.”
- “We recently launched our own eCommerce websiteand online store on Shopify, but we are still in the trial and error phase.”
- “I was appointed as the person in charge of operating the Shopify store in our company, but I am struggling because I don’t know where to start.”
- “It has been a while since we started operating our Shopify store, but we want to make our business more efficient.”
This article introduces six useful knowledge, skills, and tools for Shopify store managers who have the above concerns.
[Recommended for people who]
- Are considering launching their own eCommerce website or online store
- Want to know where to start as a Shopify store operator
- Want to operate their Shopify store more efficiently
Master Excel Techniques
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When operating an eCommerce website, there are many situations where you need to handle CSV files for various tasks such as product management and order management. These CSV files are mainly created and edited using Microsoft Excel.
If you only need to upload products when setting up a store, you may outsource it to a store production company. However, in various situations such as product management (changing product prices or names after the store is opened) and order management (analyzing order data), knowing Excel techniques can greatly affect the efficiency of your work.
If you are taken up by these complicated management tasks, you will not be able to focus on marketing tasks that are crucial for your eCommerce website. In addition, errors in product or order data can lead to significant losses. To improve the accuracy and efficiency of such tasks, let’s master Excel!
① Shortcuts
The major Excel shortcuts that eCommerce website managers should learn are as follows:
- Ctrl + C: Copy selected cells or cell ranges.
- Ctrl + V: Paste copied cells or cell ranges from the clipboard.
- Ctrl + D: Copy the top cell of the selected range to the cell below it.
- Ctrl + Z: Undo the previous action.
- Ctrl + Y: Redo or repeat the previous action.
- F2: Edit the string in the selected cell.
- F4: Change the cell reference of the selected cell.
- Ctrl + Shift + L: Apply a filter.
- Ctrl + Shift + F: Display the search and replace dialog.
- Ctrl + space: Select columns.
- Shift + space: Select rows (only in alphanumeric input mode).
- Ctrl + – (minus): Delete a column or row.
- Ctrl + Shift + + (plus): Add a column or row.
These are just examples. The shortcuts you use may vary depending on your actual work. Most Excel operations can be completed using only the keyboard, so learning frequently used shortcuts will increase your work efficiency. Ideally, you should be able to perform all operations without taking your hands off the keyboard.
② Functions
The major Excel functions that eCommerce website managers should learn are as follows:
- SUM: Calculates the sum of the specified cell range. For example, to find the sum of A1 to A10, enter “=SUM(A1:A10)”.
- AVERAGE: Calculates the average of the specified cell range. For example, to find the average of B1 to B10, enter “=AVERAGE(B1:B10)”.
- COUNT: Counts the number of numerical values in the specified cell range. For example, to count the number of numerical values in C1 to C10, enter “=COUNT(C1:C10)”.
- MAX: Finds the maximum value in the specified cell range. For example, to find the maximum value in D1 to D10, enter “=MAX(D1:D10)”.
- MIN: Finds the minimum value in the specified cell range. For example, to find the minimum value in E1 to E10, enter “=MIN(E1:E10)”.
- IF: Selects two values based on a specified condition. For example, to display “OK” if A1 is greater than 100 and “NG” otherwise, enter “=IF(A1>100, “OK”, “NG”)”.
- VLOOKUP: Searches a table for a specific value and extracts the necessary information from the table. Enter “=VLOOKUP(search value, search range, column number, (search type))”. For example, suppose that A1 to A10 contain product names and a table with inventory counts is listed in B1 to B10. By entering “=VLOOKUP(search value, A1:B10, 2, FALSE)”, you can return the inventory count of the matching product name. There is also a similar function called XLOOKUP.
- SUMIF: Calculates the sum of a specified cell range based on a specified condition.
These are just convenient functions. Excel has over 400 types of functions, and by using and combining them according to the situation, you can greatly improve the efficiency and accuracy of your work. If you are still unfamiliar with Excel, try searching for it as needed.
Give Handle (Product Management Number) Consistency
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In Shopify, uploading product data using CSV files with “handle” as the key item is the most efficient method, and handle (product URL) is the item that corresponds to the product ID. It is important to have consistency in handle (product URL) for two reasons: product management and SEO. We will explain each of them.
Reason 1: From a product management perspective
By having consistency in handle, processing the product data inside the CSV file becomes very efficient. For example, it is easier to refer to the original data within the company.
Also, if handle has consistency, you can analyze “which products are gaining access” and “which products are causing abandonment” at a glance on Google Analytics.
Reason 2: From an SEO perspective
Shopify store product page URLs are generated according to the rule (https://”store domain”/products/”handle”). In other words, handle is also used as part of the product URL.
URLs are often thought of as just addresses, but they actually affect search rankings. By indicating clearly what the page is about, URLs can be understood by search engines, which may have a positive impact on ranking.
Therefore, by having consistency in handle, it is possible to make search engines understand the meaning of the product page correctly, which can lead to an increase in search rankings.
Give Consistency to Product Image File Names
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In a previous article, we explained in detail how to upload product images to a Shopify store. Here, we explain two reasons why you should have consistency in image file names.

Reason 1: To streamline image file management
Some store managers may name their image files random strings or names without consistency (but that can be understood). However, in that state, as the number of item numbers or images increases, management becomes more complicated, which can significantly reduce work efficiency.
Therefore, it is ideal to attach the product image file name according to the rule of “”product handle”“variation name (if any)“display order number””. This makes it easier to update or delete images later and perform A/B testing.
Reason 2: To streamline the image upload process using the Shopify app “Product Imager”
As mentioned in the above article, unfortunately, the registration method for product images using Shopify’s standard functions is not efficient (as of December 28, 2022). By using the Shopify app “Product Imager,” you can automate the image registration process. The app’s description is in the above article or the last chapter of this article.
Decide the purpose of the tags you use for product management and customer management
In Shopify, you can add “tags” to product and customer data to make various measures more efficient.
Specifically, you can create customer segments based on tag labeling for customer management. These segments can be used for email newsletters and more. Additionally, you can create special discount pages, member prices, and limited sale pages based on member rank for each segment.
For product management, you can create collections based on tag labeling, which can be used like a category function.
Set up Google Analytics, Search Console, and Microsoft Clarity
Once you launch a Shopify store, you need to first establish a foundation for analyzing access and customer behavior. These analytics will form the basis for all store improvements.
To do this, first install GTM (Google Tag Manager) tags on your store. By installing GTM tags, you can centrally manage various access analysis/analysis tools.
Once you have installed the GTM tags, next install the following tools. All these tools are free and can help you to improve your store.
1. Google Search Console
Google Search Console is a tool for analyzing “natural search results”. If your site is displayed at the top of the search results for a wide range of keywords and keywords related to your own products, you can attract customers without spending on advertising. Therefore, the information that can be confirmed on Search Console is extremely important.
2. Google Analytics
While Search Console is a tool for analyzing “natural search results”, Analytics is a tool for analyzing the behavior of users who have accessed the store. You can analyze which pages are being viewed the most, which pages have a high abandonment rate, and how conversions are achieved through which paths.
③: Microsoft Clarity
Microsoft Clarity is a free heatmap tool provided by Microsoft. You can visually and intuitively confirm how far each page has been scrolled, which link buttons are often clicked, and which parts of each page are attracting user attention.
Let’s use Shopify apps
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Shopify is powerful enough as an ASP cart with standard features alone, but it is also a great attraction that you can add and supplement your favorite functions using extensions called Shopify apps. Currently, more than 7,000 types of Shopify Apps are said to be available, and many extensions are available in various fields, such as marketing, logistics, order management, and page creation.
Therefore, please try to find the app that suits your needs.
① Recommended app list article
We have introduced recommended apps in past blog articles. Please take a look.

2. Recommended app – Product Imager
Marketdive has also released a Shopify app called “Product Imager”. This is an app that allows you to upload product images in bulk to product pages on Shopify stores.
This app is highly recommended for stores with a large number of products or stores with a fast cycle of adding products, as it can significantly reduce the amount of work required for product registration. There is also a free trial available, so please install it and try out the features.
Did this article help you?
Launching an eCommerce website like a Shopify store is not the end of the process. Rather, it is just the beginning. Try practicing the tips and techniques introduced in this article and analyze your store operations to create a “successful online store” together!
Marketdive develops and operates Shopify apps. If you are interested in or have any questions about Product Imager or Marketdive’s services, please feel free to contact us using the contact form below.
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[…] [Shopify] 6 Tips eCommerce Website Managers Should Keep in Mind "Currently, we have a store in an EC mall, but we want to move to our own eCommerce website to save […]